The Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Under The VSP Foundation Non-profit Phila.

The Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Under The VSP Foundation Non-profit Phila.

Van Stone Phila: Know Your Rights With Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Website/Exhibit


Robert "Sugar Bear" Lark was on death row for 38 years and remains in jail in the state of Pennsylvania. The events of an accused murder, trial, and conviction that put a man behind bars is not the story that is in the 'Thin Blue Lie' movie - a 2000 television film directed by Roger Young and starring Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Jonathan Neumann (Rob Morrow), who, along with his partner Phil Chadway (Randy Quaid), for exposing Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo (Paul Sorvino) and the Philadelphia Police Department for corruption (observing the years 1976-1978) is in the movie. It was released on August 13, 2000 on Showtime.
According to the articles, suspects were beaten and tortured in interrogation rooms, as well as in many cases murdered, in an effort to meet the high quota of criminal cases solved by Philadelphia detectives. Neumann and Chadway met extreme opposition from the police department, working amidst phone tappings, apartment ransackings, and threats of death and bodily harm.
However, the above-mentioned reference about the methods used by mayor Rizzo and the Philadelphia Police Department for corruption success is in the story (allegedly) that has been told in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Appellee, v. Robert LARK, Appellant case, 1985.
Throughout the movie, Neumann faced a number of ethical dilemmas. First, most of his colleagues did not think that he should pursue claims of torture and death from suspects and a few police even; the city's crime level was at an all-time low, and some people felt that to question Rizzo's police policies would put the city's safety in jeopardy. Second, when interviewing victims of police brutality, Neumann had to assure the frightened victims that they would not be harmed by talking to him, when in fact, they had been threatened by police and warned against talking to and/or cooperating with reporters - may result in repeated jail lockup or even their death. Third, Neumann had to find one or more detectives willing to essentially betray a fellow officers in order to substantiate his claims.
In the case of Robert Lark, aka Sugar Bear, from West Philly and North Philly Street-life upbringing, people felt that to question police polices, City of Philadelphia, district attorney policies, City of Philadelphia and court of common pleas judges polices, City of Philadelphia practices would put the city's safety in jeopardy.
And the cops, the DA and the judges have no remorse over (allegedly) framing an innocent man and almost getting him executed - ongoing, once again.


Van Stone Presents: The Super Heroes of The Last Q Show Be A Hero

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Nominated 2022 CNN Heroes, Robert "Sugar Bear" Lark - Nominated By Janis Barksdale, Founder/Pres Of Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Story By Van Stone Phila. Front Page News

Nominated 2022 CNN Heroes, Robert "Sugar Bear" Lark - Nominated By Janis Barksdale, Founder/Pres Of Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Story By Van Stone Phila. Front Page News

On Mon, Dec 12, 2022, at 10:54 AM, Janis Barksdale wrote:
In February 2014, I nominated Sugar Bear for the CNN Hero award. I knew it was a long shot but as you know nothing beats a failure but a TRY. 
In 2014, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and due to my treatments I lost my focus on this. 

As is his forte,  he encouraged me to watch the CNN Hero awards last night. There was a Hero by the name of Tyrique Glasgow from South Philly.  Due to the efforts he has put in place for the youth in South Philly the murder rate has gone down. I hope to put him in touch with our brother in Pittsburgh to help in that area. Below is a sample of what I submitted in 2014. I did receive confirmation from CNN that they received my application.  


Name of Nominee: Robert Lark AM4192

Phone Number : 724-852-2902

Q In your own words, why does your nominee deserve recognition as a CNN Hero?
A I'm not even sure this nomination will be accepted but I must try. Robert Lark is on death row in PA but even on the row he spends most of his time trying to help others. He has helped people get money to pay rent get food, cars, jobs,medical care,computers and get released from prison. For over 30 yrs while fighting for his release as an innocent he continues to help others and never ask for anything for himself. His motto is when someone is released even if its not him that means God is in the neighborhood. Sugar Bear as he is known to his friends has helped people all over the world and has done it all from death row.

Q How have your nominee's efforts made a difference for the better?
A As a death row inmate he reads more than 7 papers a day and misses nothing. He sends people information regarding their illness that will help them, he gives other prisoners information that has helped them obtain their freedom He has done so without the use of a computer. He was granted a new trial in 2007 but has not been tried. He is a hero to all who know him and he continues to encourage others through cards, letters and materials.

Q Is there a specific incident or turning point that motivated your nominee to take action?
A Life and the injustices that occur on a daily bases motivates him to help people. No matter the race, religion or beliefs. Almost every day I am commissioned by him to take information to someone he may not know that will help them during a foreclosure; a job fair is in the neighborhood or its sweeps month let this reporter know this is happening. A business is failing let them know that this organization gives money to those doing that kind of work.

Q Is there anything else that makes your nominee exceptional or unique?
A I have letters from all sorts of people he has helped and encouraged over the years. Inmates, ex-inmates, politicians, lawyers, doctors, authors, pastors, literacy agents and friends. In all of their correspondence they all say he is compassionate, encouraging, intelligent, always optimistic, full of life and never bitter. Sugar Bear is a person that does good for without any hope of getting anything in return he does it because it’s the right thing to do. He is a true Hero.

Q How will being recognized as a CNN Hero further your nominee's cause?
A Sugar Bear is a different Hero. As a young boy he was considered a modern day Robin Hood, taking care of 8 siblings and everyone in the neighborhood that needed help. This nomination would not be about him but about all those in prison unjustly.

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