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The Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Under The VSP Foundation Non-profit Phila.

The Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Under The VSP Foundation Non-profit Phila.

Van Stone Phila: Know Your Rights With Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Website/Exhibit


Robert "Sugar Bear" Lark was on death row for 38 years and remains in jail in the state of Pennsylvania. The events of an accused murder, trial, and conviction that put a man behind bars is not the story that is in the 'Thin Blue Lie' movie - a 2000 television film directed by Roger Young and starring Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Jonathan Neumann (Rob Morrow), who, along with his partner Phil Chadway (Randy Quaid), for exposing Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo (Paul Sorvino) and the Philadelphia Police Department for corruption (observing the years 1976-1978) is in the movie. It was released on August 13, 2000 on Showtime.
According to the articles, suspects were beaten and tortured in interrogation rooms, as well as in many cases murdered, in an effort to meet the high quota of criminal cases solved by Philadelphia detectives. Neumann and Chadway met extreme opposition from the police department, working amidst phone tappings, apartment ransackings, and threats of death and bodily harm.
However, the above-mentioned reference about the methods used by mayor Rizzo and the Philadelphia Police Department for corruption success is in the story (allegedly) that has been told in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Appellee, v. Robert LARK, Appellant case, 1985.
Throughout the movie, Neumann faced a number of ethical dilemmas. First, most of his colleagues did not think that he should pursue claims of torture and death from suspects and a few police even; the city's crime level was at an all-time low, and some people felt that to question Rizzo's police policies would put the city's safety in jeopardy. Second, when interviewing victims of police brutality, Neumann had to assure the frightened victims that they would not be harmed by talking to him, when in fact, they had been threatened by police and warned against talking to and/or cooperating with reporters - may result in repeated jail lockup or even their death. Third, Neumann had to find one or more detectives willing to essentially betray a fellow officers in order to substantiate his claims.
In the case of Robert Lark, aka Sugar Bear, from West Philly and North Philly Street-life upbringing, people felt that to question police polices, City of Philadelphia, district attorney policies, City of Philadelphia and court of common pleas judges polices, City of Philadelphia practices would put the city's safety in jeopardy.
And the cops, the DA and the judges have no remorse over (allegedly) framing an innocent man and almost getting him executed - ongoing, once again.


Van Stone Presents: The Super Heroes of The Last Q Show Be A Hero

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

YEADON COURTFIGHTER: The Mission -Phila. Front Page News Blames Media Delco County Courts And Philadelphia County Courts For Fire Disaster Likeness And Bullycide (Suicide)

YEADON COURTFIGHTER: The Mission -Phila. Front Page News Blames Media Delco County Courts And Philadelphia County Courts For Fire Disaster Likeness And Bullycide (Suicide)

COURTFIGHTER MISSION: to prevent small court or big court injustices from growing into larger ones.

And its mission is to unite against bullying in courts, schools, jobs, towns, and residential neighborhoods. It is a foundation for individual rights in courts. Engaged by the Van Stone Productions (VSP) Foundation, courtfighters have been fighting in court since 2002.

The Despicable Delaware County Family Court and Philadelphia County Court (Custody) and Misuse of Protection From Abuses (PFA's), and Criminal Orders Facts:  Boroughs and Townships and even (cities) of Delaware County, Pa and Philadelphia County, Pa have positive and loving presiding judges, voted in to office by residents and/or American citizens, who clearly understand family law concerning child custody and domestic relations matters. These judges also clearly understand criminal law. Unfortunately, Borough and Township family law and  criminal law is very limited to: final court orders involving custody, PFA's, and criminal as well.

Mandatory Guidelines force all adults and children who are either a Delaware County resident or a Philadelphia County resident actively involved with any possible child custody or protection from abuses court, or criminal issues to file for a conference or hearing at the Media Delaware County Courthouse or Philadelphia County Court.

The above mandatory guideline is sad news because most of the judges who preside concerning Borough, Township, or (city) family law, which we are including the City of Philadelphia and/or any other big or small city, are more aware of community and family matters in each district. Locally, these judges are more able to resolve family matters equally and quickly for the sake of all children and adults in each community. And there is ample court room space in each borough, township, and city courthouse for custody and PFA's  and criminal court cases.

Interestingly, because Philadelphia basically operates as a state and is as big as a state, only in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania does Philadelphia Family Court Judges directly handle all adults and children custody and/or protection from abuses, and criminal court cases.  And Philadelphia has the a long arm to provide both a child custody order and PFA order and criminal order even if the matter involves a party who is living in another county. The same goes for Media Delaware County.          
The contradictions and the problems within the boundaries of  the Media Delaware County Courthouse/Philadelphia County Court and quite a few other family courthouses is:  On the other hand, while Borough, Township and (city) court judges do an excellent job at making fair court orders for the equality of the family matters the bigger court of Media Delaware County/Philadelphia County Court most likely undo what the smaller court has done without even consultation or consideration (practices) with the Borough, Township, and/or (city) Judge. On the other hand, most often than not, the smaller court of Delaware County Borough, Township, and/or (city) most likely hold fast what the bigger court has done and even at times used consultation or consideration (practices) with the Media Delaware County Courthouse Judge.  

Ultimately, the family, the adult and child, who must often appear at the Media Delaware County Courthouse/Philadelphia County Court -if they have any hope of fixing a broken family matter -because the smaller court must not be the final preside in any custody or PFA's, criminal issue, suffers regardless of the outcome in Media Delaware County Courthouse and/or Philadelphia County Court.

Therefore, the group courtfighter calls Media Delco County Court/Philadelphia County Court Injustices a forest court institution for having many guidelines that both clearly and substantially restricts freedom of speech, freedom of liberty, and freedom of having a normal life. And the group courtfighter calls Court Injustices bullying that equal depression that can equal bullycide (suicide).

Courtfighter motto: "Court cases don't kill people unfair judges and bullying do!"

This is stated because many judges daily make decisions like a serial killer does... They cause misery and aim to ruin.

To Email Courtfighter and to support courtfighter uniting Anti-Bullying send your e-mail to: Please write in the Subject Bar -Courtfighter Inquirer/Anti-Bullying Unite.

To Submit your issue to Courtfighter representatives at this website please see Submitting Supporting Documents below.

When appropriate, COURTFIGHTER contacts court administrators and judicial conduct boards to remind them of their moral and legal obligations to uphold the First Amendment rights of individuals and groups at county courts or the corresponding rights of individuals and groups at county courthouses. COURTFIGHTER also may seek public exposure of an individual's plight, a process that encourages legal aid to fulfill their responsibility to respect the individual rights of individuals, groups, and family members. COURTFIGHTER also may direct members of courtfighter to legal aid representatives when requested to do so as support of members of courtfighter. COURTFIGHTER also may provide support by appearances at conferences, hearings when requested to appear as support by members of courtfighter.

COURTFIGHTER involves its support in all litigation that may occur in state level authority. Why?

COURTFIGHTER respects the understanding that judges at the state level are not a part of the city or state government. Judges are elected to a seat by the American people who live under the process of Liberty and Justice for all. The government has put in place immunizes for judges. However if and when judges do things they are not permitted to do the government removes its immunity because the governmental system will not tolerate illegal activity against its citizens -regardless. Judges need to be remined that they are ordinary citizens who must obey all laws and not prevent police from protecting and serving citizens.

COURTFIGHTER does not take cases that are not a state level tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws, cover the costs of ongoing litigation nor represent individuals in lawsuits. COURTFIGHTER also does not take cases that are from the staff of courts or attorneys, involve lawsuits against schools grades pre-k to 12, or involve lawsuits against colleges, have interpersonal disputes as the primary issue, are from outside the United States, or are submitted by phone or fax.

Submitting Supporting Documents

Please list your supporting documents. (Please describe the documents only. Do not submit whole documents via this field.)


If you currently are represented by counsel in this matter, please provide the name, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of your attorney

How to submit Supporting Documents here

Please Click on the Courtfighter justice image below COURTFIGHTER: Foundation For Individual Rights In Courts at the top right of this page. You will go to WVSR/FPN/VSP Courtfighter® Group Register page. Fill out all information as best you can and click send email at the very bottom of the page after you are done. Join the Courtfighter Group today!

Please do not call or fax us. A representative from COURTFIGHTER will contact you via e-mail regarding your case submission. Before you submit this form, we recommend that you type your case details into a new document outside your Web browser, which will save your information in the event of an error. Please edit your submission for clarity before submitting it.

How to submit Supporting Documents to join both Courtfigher and Radio Station here
Please copy case info from your own computer and paste it in the Your Message box at WVSR 1360.1AM Philadelphia Internet Education and Community Outreach Radio page at and continue to complete the entire Station Manager Contact Us registration form boxes.

Use the Station Manager (Your Message) Directive Box to submit all info about your court case. When you finish registering and click submit you will become a member of both Courtfighter and the wvsr1360.1AM radio station fan club.

If you are having trouble submitting the form, please try using a different Web browser.

Click the justice image at the top right if you had a problem in court, any court, especially in Media Courthouse, and feel something should be done about it… take action. Support Courtfighters. Submit a case. Volunteer to become a Courtfighter friend. Thank you.


From Courtfighter Founder Van Stone,
Philadelphia Front Page News, Editor and Publisher.

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