Philadelphia Front Page News Innocence Project Philly Presents: The Bloom Report Archive News Video

For Further Interest In The Bloom Report News And Justice Email


The Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Under The VSP Foundation Non-profit Phila.

The Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Under The VSP Foundation Non-profit Phila.

Van Stone Phila: Know Your Rights With Robert ("Sugar Bear") Lark Advisory Council Website/Exhibit


Robert "Sugar Bear" Lark was on death row for 38 years and remains in jail in the state of Pennsylvania. The events of an accused murder, trial, and conviction that put a man behind bars is not the story that is in the 'Thin Blue Lie' movie - a 2000 television film directed by Roger Young and starring Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Jonathan Neumann (Rob Morrow), who, along with his partner Phil Chadway (Randy Quaid), for exposing Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo (Paul Sorvino) and the Philadelphia Police Department for corruption (observing the years 1976-1978) is in the movie. It was released on August 13, 2000 on Showtime.
According to the articles, suspects were beaten and tortured in interrogation rooms, as well as in many cases murdered, in an effort to meet the high quota of criminal cases solved by Philadelphia detectives. Neumann and Chadway met extreme opposition from the police department, working amidst phone tappings, apartment ransackings, and threats of death and bodily harm.
However, the above-mentioned reference about the methods used by mayor Rizzo and the Philadelphia Police Department for corruption success is in the story (allegedly) that has been told in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Appellee, v. Robert LARK, Appellant case, 1985.
Throughout the movie, Neumann faced a number of ethical dilemmas. First, most of his colleagues did not think that he should pursue claims of torture and death from suspects and a few police even; the city's crime level was at an all-time low, and some people felt that to question Rizzo's police policies would put the city's safety in jeopardy. Second, when interviewing victims of police brutality, Neumann had to assure the frightened victims that they would not be harmed by talking to him, when in fact, they had been threatened by police and warned against talking to and/or cooperating with reporters - may result in repeated jail lockup or even their death. Third, Neumann had to find one or more detectives willing to essentially betray a fellow officers in order to substantiate his claims.
In the case of Robert Lark, aka Sugar Bear, from West Philly and North Philly Street-life upbringing, people felt that to question police polices, City of Philadelphia, district attorney policies, City of Philadelphia and court of common pleas judges polices, City of Philadelphia practices would put the city's safety in jeopardy.
And the cops, the DA and the judges have no remorse over (allegedly) framing an innocent man and almost getting him executed - ongoing, once again.


Van Stone Presents: The Super Heroes of The Last Q Show Be A Hero

Friday, October 25, 2024

Phila. Front Page News Archive Gangs and Kids News Brief: Saving black and Hispanic boys forwarded by Janice S. Ellis, Ph.D., Kansas City, MO

Phila. Front Page News Archive Gangs and Kids News Brief: Saving black and Hispanic boys forwarded by Janice S. Ellis, Ph.D., Kansas City, MO

 Above Image representing Black and Hispanic Boys in need of saving. Visual Art by Van Stone, Philadelphia Visual Arts Creator.


Saving black and Hispanic boys should become high priority for school districts across America. They continually to be underachievers and at risk to become dropouts and enter the penal system.


Blacks and Hispanics, especially boys in the two largest minority groups, are in need of special attention when it comes to closing the achievement gap in education, and to avoid what has come to be a perpetual cycle of a life of poverty, crime and hopelessness.


As America becomes a nation of minorities, what does such persistent underachievement portends for the future? No country can afford to have millions and millions of its citizens relegated to a perpetual underclass and expect to be economically, socially or politically strong. It is undermined, and its future compromised at home and on the world stage. Saving black and Hispanic boys must become a priority.


Is this where America, currently still the strongest democracy, headed? Few would argue that our position in the world is changing for any number of reasons, and the weaknesses in our education system when it comes to minorities being treated equally are among them.

Saving Black and Hispanic Boys

We can no longer “talk the talk” and not “walk the walk” when it comes to taking real and meaningful, broad and sustained measures to help blacks and Hispanics learn and perform when it comes to educational achievement at  levels required to have a quality life and be productive citizens in communities across America.


But some communities are taking steps to address the educational needs of those minority populations that have been continually and consistently discriminated against when it comes to having access to a quality education.


Public school leaders in the District of Columbia recently announced that they will spend $20 million on a program intended to help black and Hispanic boys succeed. Saving black and Hispanic boys is getting more attention and needed action.


Public school leaders in the District of Columbia recently announced that they will spend $20 million on a program intended to help black and Hispanic boys succeed. Saving black and Hispanic boys is getting more attention and needed action.


Recent data collected from school districts across America show that black and Hispanic boys are disciplined and expelled from schools at a disproportionate rate for the same offenses than white boys. Data from the criminal justice system also show that more black boys end up in the prison system for committing the same crimes, whether misdemeanors of felonies, at a much higher rate than whites. This has been the practice for years, for generations. What else do we need to do to increase the efforts of saving black and Hispanic boys?


For full story click here. 

Phila. Front Page News Gangs And Kids News Brief: Napa County civil grand jury report reveals gang activity is targeting younger children in schools forwarded by the Press Democrat

Phila. Front Page News Gangs And Kids News Brief: Napa County civil grand jury report reveals gang activity is targeting younger children in schools forwarded by  the Press Democrat

Above: Black boys, African American and Hispanic American boys school students. A Napa County grand jury report emphasized the need for early intervention and gang prevention programs.


A newly released grand jury investigation found that not only is gang activity on the rise in Napa County but gang participation and recruitment is now starting to target younger children.


A 2023-24 grand jury report discovered gang activity grew after elementary and middle schools returned to in-person learning after the COVID-19 pandemic.


The report further states that although gang activity “ebbs and flows” in Napa, citing the opinions of prosecutors, educators, probation officers and law enforcement but offering no data or specific figures, there was a rise in gang activity once children finally returned to the classrooms.


The report suggests children had more free time post-pandemic and that gangs established a sense of belonging after an isolating time with many youths left unsupervised.


And gang members are now recruiting younger children, the report offers, due to the odds of a minor being criminally charged being significantly smaller compared with an adult gang member.


Middle school students are now bringing homemade and untraceable ghost guns to campus, and wearing well-known gang colors, according to law enforcement interviews in the report. There has also been an increase in tagging, or graffiti.


For full story click here. 

Phila. Front Page News Justice Brief: Protesters call for an end to Young Thug’s RICO case forwarded by Atlanta News First

Phila. Front Page News Justice Brief: Protesters call for an end to Young Thug’s RICO case forwarded by Atlanta News First

Above: YSL Trial. Young Thug was arrested on May 9, 2022, along with 27 other suspected gang members in Buckhead as part of a 56-count indictment. 


ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) - As a possible mistrial looms over the YSL RICO case, a group of protestors gathered outside of the Fulton County Courthouse Friday to voice their concerns.


The group of about 20 protestors from Atlanta and across the country told Atlanta News First that they have serious concerns about this trial, including the length, the cost to taxpayers and what they describe as attacks on artistic expression.


This trial began nearly a year ago in November 2023.


Ten Wilkerson drove down from Chicago to call for an end to the YSL Rico trial in Fulton County. She said she’s been watching the trial every step of the way since December.


“For 900 days as of today, Young Thug and his co-defendants have been locked up in this trial,” said Wilkerson.


Wilkerson said they’re calling for transparency and accountability.


For full story click here. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Justice News Brief: Man charged in NYC subway chokehold death set to stand trial forwarded by the Independent

Justice News Brief: Man charged in NYC subway chokehold death set to stand trial forwarded by the Independent

Above: A U.S. Marine Corps veteran charged with manslaughter for placing a man in a deadly chokehold aboard a New York City subway train last year will soon have his day in court.


To some New Yorkers, he’s the white vigilante who choked an innocent Black man to death on the subway. To others, he’s the U.S. Marine Corps veteran whose attempt to subdue a mentally ill man ended in tragedy.


A Manhattan jury will soon have its say on Daniel Penny, who is charged with manslaughter for placing Jordan Neely in a fatal chokehold on May 1, 2023. Jury selection in Penny’s trial begins Monday.


The court proceedings, which are expected to last six weeks, will shed light on a killing that was a flashpoint in the nation’s debate over racial injustice and crime.


Neely's death also divided a city grappling with what to do about people experiencing mental health crises in a transit system where some subway straphangers still don't feel safe, despite a drop in violent crime rates.


For full story click here.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Van Stone Brief Autobiography - Supporting Van Stone's Kinship - Born Courtfighter: Journey Through Unknown Courts... Meet Newspaperman and Courtfighter Van Stone

Van Stone Brief Autobiography - Supporting Van Stone's Kinship - Born Courtfighter: Journey Through Unknown Courts... Meet Newspaperman and Courtfighter Van Stone 



Above: Indigenous Americans/Black Americans History Image Black Indian Image (Van Stone is a Black Indian amongst many other Black Americans); Ingenious Peoples of America and the Caribbeans Celebrating National Ingenious Peoples of America Day October 14.


Dear Readers, I have been asked many, many times about how I came to be a newspaperman and courtfighter involved with the Philadelphia Front Page News. 


I have been asked how I became forced to deal with the Media Delaware County Courthouse and the Philadelphia County Court. 


The first answer is that when I was a kid I love to read Bibles, the dictionary, and the Visual Encyclopedia of Science. Then I would write down what I read the best I could. Today, I still read these volumes. And I also love to read firefighter magazines. 


My first and second grade teacher, Mr. Herb Rogers, Jr., took us kids on a few field trips to the Philadelphia courts. 


Another reason is that my father could not read past second grade level literature, so I learned about the importance of writing early in my life. 


And I taught my dad how to read and write better when I was only a sixth grade school student. 


I have written many books, articles, and opinion journals about the community, Bibles, legal matters, and Dragons. 


I like investigating, writing about famous people. 


I've written on many diverse subjects such as the Unknown Soldier, World History, Science, Myths, and Zombies; and I like to write about Historical Subjects: World Events, Cookery, Homes, Crafts, and Farming, Abraham and Sarah, Scrolls, Cleopatra, King Herod, Black Indians, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Frederick Douglas, Joseph Smith, Jr., Frederick Douglas, John Henry, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Adolf Hitler, NAACP, Jim Jones, Philadelphia, PA, and Harrisburg, PA. I like to write about Jimmy Carter and Ertha Kitt too. 


Some of my other opinion journals have been about Liza Minnelli, Tom Joyner, Steve Harvey, Denzel Washington, Jennifer Lopez, Will Smith, Jr., Judge Judith Sheindlin, Judge Greg Mathis, Jim Brown, LeBron James, and Michelle Obama. 


Also, I like to investigate stories about ordinary heroes like foster parents, firemen, (such as Philadelphia Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers), policemen, (such as Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Office Support, Sergent Jeff Cambell), clergy, superheroes, monsters, and gargoyles. 


Also, I like to write historical news about greenhouses, teepees, the sari, the saxophone, the gavel, silhouettes, smoke and fire, the yoke, pillory, cats, and sables. 


I hope you liked reading about my exciting Black American Indian, Independent Journey through Media Delaware County Courthouse and Philadelphia County Court Building. 


Your soldier friend, Van Stone

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Van Stone 2024, native Philadelphian, -(on assignment investigating the Com. v Lark 1988: Supreme Court of PA Murder Trial) is an independent journalist working to free the wrongfully convicted By Van Stone, Philadelphia Front Page News (610) 803-1624

Van Stone 2024, native Philadelphian, -(on assignment investigating the Com. v Lark 1988: Supreme Court of PA Murder Trial) is an independent journalist working to free the wrongfully convicted By Van Stone, Philadelphia Front Page News (610) 803-1624




Philadelphia, PA - Van Stone is a Black American Independent broadcast friendly neighborhood reporter. 


For years, investigative newspaper reporter and editor and publisher Van Stone Downing has spearheaded news stories, podcasts and investigative reports for the Philadelphia Front Page News newspaper and the Philadelphia Westside Weekly newspaper. In 2024, September, a chance conversation with a male younger sibling of Robert “Sugar Bear” Lark – Com. v Lark 1988: Supreme Court of Pennsylvania murder trial - propelled Mr. Stone to start probing wrongful convictions of Mr. Lark.  


Robert “Sugar Bear” Lark has been labeled a notorious killer. Imprisoned, thus far time spent is 44 years for crimes. He is was serving a life sentence for murder and aggravated robbery.


Convicted… Yet the West Philly and North Philly senior always maintains his innocence.


The above-mentioned work on criminal justice has led to a podcast blended with culture starting in 2024 weeks later after a chance conversation with a male younger sibling of Sugar Bear.


In addition, other well-known writers and investigative journalist have joined Van Stone to discuss his support of the “Robert Lark Innocence Project,” and why the issue continues to motivate supporters to keep working to free the wrongfully convicted.


The Robert Lark Innocence Project website may be found at:


Even with its status as a non-profit and educational television broadcasting organization, Van Stone’s award-winning organization, the VSP Foundation, engages in program education, providing radio and television content and related services to its members, each of which together collectively follow the media group.  The VSP Foundation non-profit offers programming local content such as news, interviews, cultural, and public affairs programs for its individual volunteers, or sponsors and donors that agree with content provided by VSP Foundation and other broadcasters, editors and publishers.


Watch Van Stone Philadelphia news for daily, breaking and live news, plus special coverage. We are home to Philadelphia Front Page News newspaper, Power 88 FM Power WVSR 1360 Radio Station, Philly Funk Radio Station, and Philly Live! Cali Live! Talk Show Podcast news half an hour, ranked top credible and objective radio, TV and podcast news show.


To contact Van Stone or any of the investigators covering the Com. v Lark case you may call Mr. Stone’s news desk at (610) 803-1624 or send email to:


Discover more about VSP Foundation at:                                                                       

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Philadelphia Front Page News News Report: Innocence Project Story - Robert Roberson, an Autistic Father Wrongfully Convicted and Sentenced to Death, Applies for Clemency (As written by Innocence Staff, New York)

Philadelphia Front Page News News Report: Innocence Project Story -  Robert Roberson, an Autistic Father Wrongfully Convicted and Sentenced to Death, Applies for Clemency (As written by  Innocence Staff, New York)

Above: 12/19/23, Livingston, Texas: Robert Roberson photographed through plexiglass at TDCJ Polunsky Unit. Ilana Panich-Linsman for The Innocence Project.


Medical and scientific experts, bipartisan Texas lawmakers, advocates for parental rights, autism organizations, best-selling novelist John Grisham, lead detective Brian Wharton, innocence groups, the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, and dozens of others urge Texas Pardons Board to recommend, and Gov. Abbott to Grant, clemency.


Today, 34 eminent scientists and doctors, a bipartisan group of 84 Texas legislators, 8 advocates for parental rights, 8 organizations that advocate for people with Autism and their families, faith leaders, innocence advocacy groups, former judges, 70 attorneys who have represented people wrongfully accused of child abuse, and former lead detective Brian Wharton, among others, filed letters in support of Robert Roberson’s clemency petition to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles and Governor Greg Abbott. (Exhibits 7, 15-23.)


The clemency petition, filed today, can be accessed, here


Letters from hundreds of supporters, filed as exhibits, here.


Mr. Roberson’s petition describes the new medical and scientific evidence that his jury never heard showing that no homicide occurred. Mr. Roberson’s two-year-old, chronically ill daughter, Nikki, actually died of severe viral and bacterial pneumonia that medical professionals missed in 2002, not because of any abuse. Her illness progressed to sepsis and then septic shock, a process likely precipitated by the dangerous respiratory-suppressing medications she was prescribed during her last days, all of which has now been established by detailed reports from highly qualified medical specialists.


No court has been willing to consider three new expert reports showing how Nikki died of pneumonia, proof that Mr. Roberson is innocent of any crime.


The power of Mr. Roberson’s innocence claim is attracting diverse and widespread support, including from best-selling novelist John Grisham, who said, “This isn’t a case where the system got the wrong guy, but rather one where no crime took place at all. Something must be done to stop Robert’s execution. Governor Abbott and the Board of Pardons and Paroles can prevent an irreparable injustice by granting him clemency.”


For completed story click here.